How to interpret data using Grafana
How to interpret data using Grafana.
To access the Grafana dashboards log in at http://<ACURA_IP>:30082.
User: grafana_user; password: LxY83mXr.
On the Home Dashboard page find:
- the list of useful dashboards
- global replication speed and network utilization.
We’ve starred 3 dashboards for your usability. Find them on the left panel of the Home Dashboard: the stats for customers, devices, and snapshots. They include a set of panels:
- “Data Block Flow” measures replication speed, with a breakdown of block types
- “Network Utilization” measures real network traffic (currently only between Replication Agent and Acura, without Cloud Agent traffic)
- “Receiver Operation Breakdown” measures the percent of time the Receiver spent doing its operations. This is useful for finding bottlenecks:
- If the Receiver spends most of the time waiting for input, it means the Replication Agent can’t read or send fast enough.
- If the Receiver spent most of the time on storage processing, it means the Cloud Agent can’t receive or write fast enough.
- “Replication agent → Receiver Bandwidth optimization” metric measures how much network traffic was saved through compression and WAN optimization
- “Processing speed” measures the speed of individual Receiver and Replication Agent operations
- “Receiver threads” measure how many threads in the Receiver are active
Get the tooltip by hovering on the chart.
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