Parameter | Description |
add_qemu_agent_meta | Add qemu_agent meta parameters into metadata of volumes created by Acura. |
availability_zone | Availability zone where all resources will be created. Example: {"availability_zone": "az-1"} |
block_storage_api_version | Override API version for block storage service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
block_storage_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for block storage service. Useful on clouds with broken service catalog. |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_image_name | ID of the cloud agent image from the target cloud. Example: {"cloud_agent_image_name": "Hystax"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_agent_volume_type | Cloud agent volume type. Example: {"cloud_agent_volume_type": "ssd"} |
cloud_site_parallel_resources_limit | How many resources of the same type are allowed to be created in parallel during Cloud Site creation. |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
compute_api_version | Override API version for compute service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
compute_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for compute service. Useful on clouds with broken service catalog. |
custom_image_metadata | Set custom image metadata for replicated VMs. Must be a JSON object or a comma-separated string of key=value pairs. Example: {"custom_image_metadata": "hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi,hw_disk_bus=scsi"} |
disable_failback_ports | Disable custom ports for failback (they will be created by the cloud automatically). |
disable_failover_ports | Disable custom ports for failover (they will be created by the cloud automatically). |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
flatten_manager_url | URL of service which will be called for performing flatten operations on volumes of the detached machines. |
image_api_version | Override API version for image service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
image_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for image service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
image_volume_metadata | Save OS type in image volume metadata (only for Windows machines). |
insert_default_tag | Tag created resources with provided tag name. |
key_name | Key pair name to access the cloud agent. |
min_ca_alive | Minimum count of cloud agents which should stay alive according scaling policy. |
network_api_version | Override API version for network service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
network_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for network service. Useful on clouds with broken service catalog. |
neutron_x_sdn_header | Add custom x-sdn header for Neutron requests. |
os_tag_key | Name of tag containing description of OS installed on device which will be inserted into metadata of volumes created by Acura. |
p2v_type | Specify a non-standard P2V - for example, for cloud Virtuozzo, you need to specify "virtuozzo". |
region_name | Target region name. |
security_group | Name of the security group with all required ports opened. Example: {"security_group": "default"} or {"security_group": "a19d5278-fc04-4c5c-a8fb-ddc987dacbe4"} |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
use_native_efi | By default, all UEFI VMs are automatically converted to boot through BIOS. Set this parameter to disable conversion and use cloud-native UEFI boot instead. Please note, that some clouds support BIOS boot only and require this parameter to be disabled. |
use_volume_directly | Set as "true" to disable snapshot creation in cloud and use cloud volumes directly. Warning: not all controller functionality is supported in this mode. If unsure, keep this setting off. |
Parameter | Description |
availability_zone | Availability zone where all resources will be created. Example: {"availability_zone": "az-1"} |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_agent_volume_iops | Cloud agent volume input/output operations per second. |
cloud_agent_volume_type | Cloud agent volume type. Example: {"cloud_agent_volume_type": "ssd"} |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
security_group | Name of the security group with all required ports opened. Example: {"security_group": "default"} or {"security_group": "a19d5278-fc04-4c5c-a8fb-ddc987dacbe4"} |
subnet_id | Default subnet ID for instances. |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
Parameter | Description |
block_storage_api_version | Override API version for block storage service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
block_storage_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for block storage service. Useful on clouds with broken service catalog. |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_image_name | ID of the cloud agent image from the target cloud. Example: {"cloud_agent_image_name": "Hystax"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_agent_volume_type | Cloud Agent volume type. Example: {"cloud_agent_volume_type": "ssd"} |
cloud_site_parallel_resources_limit | How many resources of the same type are allowed to be created in parallel during Cloud Site creation. |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
compute_api_version | Override API version for compute service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
compute_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for compute service. Useful on clouds with broken service catalog. |
custom_image_metadata | Set custom image metadata for replicated VMs. Must be a JSON object or a comma-separated string of key=value pairs. Example, {"custom_image_metadata": "hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi,hw_disk_bus=scsi"} |
disable_failback_ports | Disable custom ports for failback (they will be created by the cloud automatically). |
disable_failover_ports | Disable custom ports for failover (they will be created by the cloud automatically). |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
huawei_use_ca_base_image | Use cloud agent image as a base for replication volumes instead of temporary automatically-created images. |
image_api_version | Override API version for image service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
image_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for image service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
image_volume_metadata | Save OS type in image volume metadata (only for Windows machines). |
insert_default_tag | Tag created resources with provided tag name. |
key_name | Key pair name to access the cloud agent. |
network_api_version | Override API version for network service. Useful on clouds with broken latest API version. |
network_endpoint_override | Override API endpoint for network service. Useful on clouds with broken service catalog. |
region_name | Target region name |
security_group | Name of the security group with all required ports opened. Example: {"security_group": "default"} or {"security_group": "a19d5278-fc04-4c5c-a8fb-ddc987dacbe4"} |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
use_native_efi | By default, all UEFI VMs are automatically converted to boot through BIOS. Set this parameter to disable conversion and use cloud-native UEFI boot instead. Please note, that some clouds support BIOS boot only and require this parameter to be disabled. |
use_volume_directly | Check this box to disable snapshot creation in cloud and use cloud volumes directly. Warning: not all controller functionality is supported in this mode. If unsure, keep this setting off. |
Parameter | Description |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}". Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
failover_volume_performance_level | Performance level for volumes of replicated VMs. |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
key_name | Key pair name to access the cloud agent. |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
Parameter | Description |
availability_zone | Availability zone where all resources will be created. Example: {"availability_zone": "az-1"} |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_image_name | ID of the cloud agent image from the target cloud. Example: {"cloud_agent_image_name": "Hystax"} |
cloud_agent_image_reference | Reference to image for cloud agent in JSON format, for example: {"publisher": "value", "offer": "value", "sku": "value", "version": "value"} |
cloud_agent_marketplace_plan | Name of the marketplace plan used for the cloud agent. |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
Parameter | Description |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_image_name | ID of the cloud agent image from the target cloud. Example: {"cloud_agent_image_name": "Hystax"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_agent_subnet | Subnet where cloud agent instances will be spun up. |
cloud_agent_volume_type | Cloud agent volume type. Example: {"cloud_agent_volume_type": "ssd"} |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
security_group | Name of the security group with all required ports opened. Example: {"security_group": "default"} or {"security_group": "a19d5278-fc04-4c5c-a8fb-ddc987dacbe4"} |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
use_multi_regional_snapshots | Create multi-regional snapshots instead of regional snapshots. |
Parameter | Description |
availability_zone | Availability zone where all resources will be created. Example: {"availability_zone": "az-1"} |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_volume_type | Cloud agent volume type. Example: {"cloud_agent_volume_type": "ssd"} |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
failover_volume_type | Default volume type used to create volumes for replicated VMs. Example: {"failover_volume_type": "ssd"} |
Parameter | Description |
cloud_agent_flavor | Flavor to use for the cloud agent instances. Example: {"cloud_agent_flavor": "m1.medium"} |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_agent_volume_iops | Cloud agent volume input/output operations per second. |
cloud_agent_volume_type | Cloud agent volume type. Example: {"cloud_agent_volume_type": "ssd"} |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
region_name | Target region name. |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
Parameter | Description |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
hardware_version | Override the default VM hardware version. Example: {"hardware_version": "vmx-12"} |
resource_pool | Override the default VMware resource pool. |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |
vcd_api | Provide a specific vCloud Director API version to use. Example: {"vcd_api": "31.0"} |
Parameter | Description |
cloud_agent_flavor_requirements | Requirements for cloud agent flavor in JSON format, for example: {"cpu": "value", "ram": "value", "hdd": "value"}. Example: {"hdd": "20", "cpu": "1", "ram": "2"} |
cloud_agent_image_name | ID of the cloud agent image from the target cloud. Example: {"cloud_agent_image_name": "Hystax"} |
cloud_agent_security_group | Security group used by Cloud Agents. Example: {"cloud_agent_security_group": "default"} |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
cpu_model | CPU model for created VMs |
p2v_type | Specify a non-standard P2V. For example, for cloud Virtuozzo, you need to specify "virtuozzo". Example: {"p2v_type": "virtuozzo"} |
security_group | Name of the security group with all required ports opened. Example: {"security_group": "default" or {"security_group": "a19d5278-fc04-4c5c-a8fb-ddc987dacbe4"} |
use_volume_directly | Set as "true" to disable snapshot creation in cloud and use cloud volumes directly. Warning: not all controller functionality is supported in this mode. If unsure, keep this setting off. |
Parameter | Description |
allocation_type | Allocation policy for disks thin or preallocated. |
cloud_site_replication_timeout | Timeout for a replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_status_change_timeout | Timeout for a launch of replications during Cloud Site creation (in minutes). |
cloud_site_timeout_min | Cloud site creation timeout in minutes. |
disk_format | Override the default disk file format qcow2 or raw. |
host | Target host where replicated workloads will be spun up. |
p2v_type | Specify a non-standard P2V. For example, for cloud Virtuozzo, you need to specify "virtuozzo". Example: {"p2v_type": "virtuozzo"} |
use_ca_floating_ip | Cloud Agent will be created with public IP and Acura will use public IP to connect to Cloud Agent. Example: {"use_ca_floating_ip": true} |