Why a machine doesn't replicate with HVRAgent, returning a FileNotFoundError message

Why a machine doesn't replicate with HVRAgent, returning a "FileNotFoundError" message


A machine doesn't replicate with HVRAgent, returning an error:
  1. ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):

  2.   File "/src/cabrio/processes/base.py", line 28, in run_object_guard

  3.     guard.start(queue_info)

  4.   File "/src/cabrio/replication/replicator.py", line 237, in start

  5.     queue_info=queue_info)

  6.   File "/src/cabrio/utils.py", line 151, in upload

  7.     filename, CHUNK_SIZE, self.changes)):

  8.   File "/src/cabrio/utils.py", line 131, in read_in_chunks

  9.     with open(file_name, 'rb') as file:

  10. FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/16e03841-2d5c-4af9-b77f-cadcfcd5be6b/raw.img'

VMware vixlib has the following error:

  1. Error 3014 (Insufficient permissions in the host operating system) at 4718.


"Error 3014" occurs because the following rights are missing for the user whose credentials have been used by the HVRAgent for replication:

  • Disable methods 

  • Enable methods 

  • Licenses


To fix this issue add the following privileges, as shown below:
  • Disable methods 

  • Enable methods 

  • Licenses